Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Home-schoolers insist that they are just socialized as public-schoolers, “with a 4.34 percent margin of error”

Leading home-school advocates are making a concerted effort this year to end what they see as unfair stereotypes about their movement, especially the idea that home-schoolers do not receive the socialization necessary to function in society. In the words of young home-schooler Malachi Justice “we really are just as socialized as the public-schoolers, to within 3 standard deviations, we just avoid partaking of the Godless fornication and brainwashing which occurs in those schools.” Home-school demigod Michael Farris agrees, “these kids go the same Christian Soldier™ Camps, churn the same butter, memorize the same scriptures, and wear the same chastity shorts that any normal red-blooded American kid does, we’re not freaks.” Others point to the wide variety of social options available to kids within their home-schooling groups, including Bible Bowls, Math teams, Fight the good Fight clubs, and knitting networks. Home-schoolers insist that they will not take the abuse anymore. As young Malachi exclaimed, “If I hear one more generalization about home-schoolers, well heck, I reckon I’ll go Robert E. Lee on them.

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