Monday, July 28, 2008

Bush to Nation: "I gave my nukes to Jesus"

Speaking from Camp David yesterday, Bush reassured a nation uneasy about growing tensions with Iran, promising that he will only employ nuclear missiles "in accordance with Biblical law." Appearing with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the president sought to quell rumors of an impending strike. "I know there's this idea going around that I'm some sort of cowboy that don't think through the consequences of my actions," he went on to say, "but rest assured, if these weapons are used, and that's a big if, it will only be after I have seriously consulted the relevant scriptures and assorted commentaries." He also promised to hold off any significant military action until God's will was clearly evident. Bush has assembled a blockbuster council of religious advisers to aid in this endeavor, including Pat Robertson, Jim Hagee, and Kiefer Sutherland.

Evangelical leaders continued to voice their approval today, having lobbied for months against the secular use of these nuclear devices. According to a statement by the Southern Baptist Convention, "in these days of chaos, threats and insecurity, it's a comfort to see that the most powerful weapons in the history of civilization are in the hands of someone who shares our belief in a literal interpretation of scripture."

Thought I'd add this as it goes well with my color scheme

Here's to the future!

percentage of female voters currently leaning toward McCain (34)
percentage of voters 18-29 currently leaning toward McCain ( 26)
percentage of Hispanic voters currently leaning toward McCain (24)
percentage of black voters currently leaning toward McCain (4)

watching it slowly dawn on middle-age, white males that they are about to become a minority... priceless

Thursday, July 24, 2008

So my tentative plan for the next few weeks is to buy a used bike and head toward Vienna, a distance of around 400-500 miles, sleeping in forests and parks.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fuck you James Dobson

Am I too young to be sitting in my apartment, drinking wine by myself, listening to Bjork, going on Wikipedia benders, getting progressively more drunk and left-wing?

I could walk a few hundred meters (that's a few hundred feet, for those of you in the U.S.) to the student pub (that's my preferred term for bar, for those of you in the U.S.). I could "hang out" with my ex-girlfriend here. Yet I choose to sit here in my room, only leaving to make grilled cheese sandwiches. I feel slightly obligated to feel pathetic about this turn of events, but it just feels so right.

For those of you wondering, the first confirmed use of the word fuck was in 1475, referring to the misdeeds of certain monks. It appeared in a dictionary as early as the 1750s, yet as recently as 1948, Norman Mailer caved to publishers and used the word "fug", and Catcher in the Rye was widely banned for featuring the rather novel phrase "fuck you." Fuck did not even appear in a mainstream Hollywood film until MASH in 1970. So celebrate your newfound freedom and fucking say it.

I think it's high time I watched "Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest" again.

Why do we continue to humor certain fanatic fucktards in the political realm? Why are we afraid to offend a "religious vote" which has moved so far to the right that they can't even masturbate without quoting Leviticus and visualizing Anna the prophetess? Why are birth control and sex-ed even political issues? 9 out of 10 Catholics are willing to risk the wrath of pope (a former member of the Hitler youth and not to be taken lightly) by using birth control, yet we are still debating this like anyone still takes these people seriously?

I was raised in one of the most regressive, extremist sects of Christianity, and I still can't grasp the obsession with sex. I just have no clue. Historically it's clear that the demonization of sex has it's roots in the patriarchal culture, and the desire of the father to be sure of his parental status. But what the hell? Are there really people who still give a fuck about lineage? Why do we look to a genocidal, patriarchal, slave-owning, primitive middle-eastern tribe for our sexual mores? Could anyone give me a real reason why I should'nt engage in coitus tonight (other than I'm too lazy to go down to the pub, and I have no social skills)? How do people in good conscience make a living condemning sex, innuendo, lust, and impure thoughts? Let's face it James Dobson, you masturbate. Sometimes when you masturbate, you fantasize about Barack Obama and then feel guilty afterwards. You are into domination, sadomasochism, bestiality, anal, or hash browns (choose 3 of 5). If you are into hash browns, call me (haha, just kidding j-dob). Half of your friends have been caught sleeping with men, the rest have had affairs. What's it going to take for you to admit that sex is one of the most basic human urges, and resisting will only lead to obsession, "wide stances", and kinky complexes?

Why does so much of the rhetoric regarding racism involve the term "stereotype"? Why should we view "stereotyping" in a negative light? Obviously various cultures have certain characteristics which differentiate them from others. We should not oppose racism because it stereotypes, but because it maintains that certain groups are superior to others. Tolerance demands that we respect the views of other cultures, not that we agree with them or find them to be beneficial. Pluralism requires that even opposing viewpoints respect the others right to exist. When liberals attack "stereotypes", it only strengthens the conservative conviction that there are obvious difference between races which we are not allowed to discuss because of political correctness. Whenever you criminalize the obvious, you just encourage the perception that your ideals are weak and will not survive vigorous debate. The left should not be afraid to address issues of race directly and honestly, for it shall emerge victorious.

I love you all.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

God Bless America